Kristin Bauer's
Signature Services
Skin Treatments & Facials | Facial Glams

Oxy Infusion™
The Oxy Infusion™ is a phenomenal combination of effective skin revitalization and deep relaxation. Skin looks softer and glowing immediately, and as continued treatments happen, the glow becomes permanent.

Signature Facial™
The Kristin Bauer Signature Facial is designed to revitalize genuine beauty by activating the skins’ hidden power to heal and reveal natural radiance.

Nourishe ElixiLift™
The Nourishe ElixiLift™ is a unique, non-invasive and fascinating treatment that erases the root cause of lines, wrinkles, sags, and bulges by addressing the underlying dysfunction of the fascia and muscles.

1-on-1 Skin Consultation
Sign up for a 1-on-1 30 minute zoom consultation to get beneath your skin and reveal your most beautiful self. Many times our skin is a reflection of our inner beliefs and emotions, and together, learn to read what your skin is saying.
Oxy Infusion™
The Oxy Infusion™ is a phenomenal combination of effective skin revitalization and deep relaxation. The combination of lymphatic activation, acupressure, and deep tissue detoxification creates a rejuvenation for the skin, connective tissues, and muscles of the head, face, neck, and chest at the same time restoring healthy fascia.
Simultaneously, a quadra-phasic infusion of organic herbs, barks, plants, mushrooms, naturally-occurring fatty acids, fruit extracts, and botanical oils open and strengthen the capillary walls, stimulate a release of stored-up toxins, encourage stronger blood flow, and create a natural, yet powerful blast of oxygen to your cells.
Skin looks softer and glowing immediately, and as continued treatments happen, the glow becomes permanent. The Oxy Infusion™ is great for travelers, sun enthusiasts, athletes, and people on the go. Oxygen is the critical source of all cell function, however it is ineffective as an ingredient.
The creation of this treatment applies the creative composition of the 4 unique formulas that increase the skin’s ability to use oxygen fully in the cellular cycle which is the most valuable component in having beautiful, healthy skin.

90 Min Treatment Face, Head, Neck, Ears, and Chest
This is recommended as the first treatment to have at Nourishe.
Kristin Bauer Signature Facial
The Kristin Bauer Signature Facial is designed to revitalize genuine beauty by activating the skins’ hidden power to heal and reveal natural radiance.
Merging the use of all organic products and therapies that she has collected from Japan, Peru, Germany, and the Native American abuelas that she has studied under, this treatment is deeply therapeutic integrating energy work to open and activate energy meridians essential to regaining the truth of beauty that has been let go of overtime.
Experiences and emotions leave a pattern on the face, there is a deep connection between our experiences and our face. Through this work, we go in and find the places in the body where the block exists and we guide the client to release that blockage at the same time as performing a synchronous and deeply detoxifying facial.
• Access blockages of energy held in the body and the patterns on the face that we call aging.
• Stimulate a cellular detoxification from ancient volcanic ash from around the world combined with a 5,000 gauss magnet.
• Reduce milia (whiteheads), comedones (blackheads), pustules (pimples), and congestion with deep cleaning (no squeezing).

90 Min Treatment Face, Head, Neck, Ears, and Chest
Nourishe ElixiLift™
The Nourishe ElixiLift™ is a unique, non-invasive and fascinating treatment that erases the root cause of lines, wrinkles, sags and bulges by addressing the underlying dysfunction of the fascia and muscles. You can literally experience a lifting and rejuvenation of the face in a healthy, holistic way without side effects.
We now know that age doesn't define what you should look like, but that facial tension does. Excessive facial tension is tension that you may hold in your forehead, eye area, lip area, cheeks, jaw, and even your nose. You may very well already be aware that you clench you jaw, squint your eyes, or scowl your brows. Many people also maintain this tension even while they sleep. It happens due to stress, shallow breathing, anxiety, and many other reasons. The degeneration process from this tension causes inflammation, reduced circulation, muscular deterioration, muscle shortening, and irregular fat deposits. These show up on the face as folds, bulges, lines, sagging, and wrinkles that may create you having the experience of aging. Just by reducing or eliminating the tension your face can actually lift and tone, just like exercise can do for your body.
• Circulation improves (30% after 30 days)
• Increased ATP synthesis
• Bone regeneration
• Healing soft tissue
• Lymph fluid drains
• Detoxification is stimulated
• Collagen production increases (more than 12% in 30 days)
• Elastin production increases (more than 40% in 30 days)
• Cells regenerate and strengthen
• Tone and strengthen muscle

120 Min. Face, Head, Neck, Ears, and Chest
150 Min. Face, Head, Neck, Ears, and Chest
Clients must prepare the skin 48 hours prior to treatment
Travel fee: $150 per hour
1-on-1 Skin Consultation With Kristin
Talk to our skin expert to teach you how to become your own skin expert.
Are you looking for a personalized skin care routine that suits your unique needs?
Sign up for a one on one 30 minute zoom consultation to get beneath your skin and reveal your most beautiful self. Many times our skin is a reflection of our inner beliefs and emotions, and together, learn to read what your skin is saying. Including the techniques created by Nourishe's leading skin care expert and founder, Kristin Bauer, this consultation teaches you how to become your own facialist. It's not just about healing your skin if you have skin issues. It's about being your own skin care expert, knowing how to read cues from your skin, understand acne, lines, wrinkles, aging, or just maintain healthy, youthful skin throughout your life.
Kristin has traveled around the world studying indigenous health and beauty practices that support vitality and nurture your own inner health guide. In this consultation, Kristin imparts her wisdom and skincare knowledge with you to shift your skin's appearance as well as the perceptions surrounding your skin.
Nourishe Professional Training
Expand your knowledge and expertise with Nourishe Training for Professionals
In this full day training you will learn the fundamental techniques that Nourishe founder Kristin Bauer uses to give her celebrity clients effective non-surgical facelifting skincare. Clients such as Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, Jenna Dewan and other celebrities continue to hire Kristin to keep their skin beautiful without surgery. And now you, too, will be able to offer your clients the magic of Holistic Face Sculpting.
The Nourishe Yourself Professional Training is for Aestheticians, Facial Specialists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Nurses, Healers, and others who are licensed to touch clients and want to offer natural face sculpting and rejuvenation in their practice.