Kristin Bauer is an herbalist and alchemist who has spent over a decade researching how to nourish the skin through the application of organic, plant derived oils, balms, creams, and blends. She has a miraculous understanding of plants, and her unparalleled skill at blending botanical material brings the magic into the unique line of Nourishe products. She also provides expert facials to teach and educate people how to apply the products and care for their skin at the same time.
She embarked on a professional career in the 90s, in the plastic surgery industry, as an aspiring medical student. She focused on healing damaged skin and telomere extension (an anti-aging pursuit) learning what works to get skin healthy, supple, and yet firm.
Her life shifted dramatically when she took the opportunity to study indigenous herbalism with native healers in the jungles of Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil.
The indigenous healers possess a deep intelligence about which plants naturally work together and how they synergistically interact to balance and heal the body. Knowing the medicinal value of plants only partially explains their wisdom: They are so attuned to the jungle that they intuit understanding and messages from the plants themselves.
Bearing witness to this extraordinary knowledge and capability turned Kristin’s life toward applying the wisdom and intelligence of plants in her ongoing quest to develop ways to nourish skin using the most natural, cleanest, purest, plant-derived products.
To this day, Kristin returns annually to the jungles in Peru and Bolivia to learn and grow, as well as educate others about the powerful and complex ecosystem of plants. She is an expert in organic skin care and providing anti-aging alternatives that are free of chemicals, fillers, and preservatives, and that obviate the need for injections or plastic surgery.
With Nourishe, Kristin aspires to be a pre-eminent provider of natural anti-aging and holistic skin rejuvenation products that encourage you to celebrate who you are, just as you are. 💖
Already, the brand is recognized for excellence, winning multiple awards over several years, including several 2022 Global Green Beauty Awards in multiple categories such as Best Organic Serum, Best Organic Moisturizer, Best Organic Anti-Aging Product, and Highly Commended Natural Soap. In addition, Nourishe won Editor’s Choice in the Global Green Beauty Awards in 2021 for Best Natural Beauty Product and Best Ethical Fragrance and was also a winner of the Beauty Shortlist Awards in 2021.